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Success Starts with an Open Mind

I’ve spent a portion of my business life teaching, speaking and consulting entrepreneurs in critical thinking. A large portion of that involves introducing formal processes such as SWOT Analysis and Affinity Diagrams to name a few. But just like the tools in a mechanic’s tool box, if you don’t use them properly you won’t get … Read more…

Are You a Real Note Investor? – Take the Quiz

Many people who own notes “think” they are note investors! But many note investors are not “REAL” note investors. True note investors have uncanny skills, wisdom and talent. Several “real” note investors helped me in putting together the following “real note investor” quiz to help you determine if YOU are a REAL note investor or … Read more…

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Note (Yes, I’m Serious!)

This is a rant and might be hard for some of you to read. I decided to write it because I get contacted several times a month from individuals who purchased what they were told was a good note that went bad and they are asking me for advice on what to do. So, hear … Read more…

Increase Note Business Profitability

For every note business and entrepreneur, profit is a crucial part of being successful in the note business, or for that matter, any business. Fortunately, there are some strategies that you can implement to set yourself apart, create more value, and generate more transactions.  Before I share some strategies to increase profits in your business, … Read more…

The Nuts and Bolts of Title Insurance

Last month’s article was about the basics of title insurance and why a note investor should get a Lender’s Policy of Title Insurance when buying an existing note. I get a lot of questions, especially from new note brokers and note investors about what to look at and how to read a title commitment and … Read more…

Title Insurance Basics

When purchasing a Seller Financed or other real estate secured note, whether performing or non-performing, part of the due diligence should be obtaining a Lender’s Title Insurance Policy. But why? And what is Title Insurance anyway? Title insurance is a form of indemnity insurance that protects against financial loss sustained from defects in a title to … Read more…