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Ways to Make No Work for You

Is “yes” really always “yes”? “No” is protection. “Yes” is commitment. “No” instantly makes people feel safe while “yes” makes them worry about what they’ve committed themselves to. Nearly every “yes” at best is a conditional “yes”, and often is a counterfeit “yes”, especially from note holders. On the other hand, “No” is always “no”. … Read more…

How to Deal with a Jerk Note Holder

Although there are many note holders who are open to talking when you demonstrate empathy and relevancy, there are also some emotionally charged jerks that seem intent on hurting you and making it personal. The pandemic has changed some things.  It’s added new stress, challenges, and hurdles to our plates. This might be a news … Read more…

What Note Holders Value in a Note Professional

A great deal of our time, money, and personal effort go into marketing our expertise and qualities to note holders. Once we’ve done a great job for them, repeat business, and referrals may follow. But first, we have to do business with them (buy their note). Marketing featuring the skills and qualities they value will … Read more…

Three Traits for Note Pros

No one ever said that working in the note business was easy. However, it is crucial that note professionals have a passion for helping people and possess the skills and personality traits to keep note holders happy. Otherwise, you risk alienating note holders when they receive poor customer service. In this era, when anyone can … Read more…