One-On-One with Jeff Armstrong about the Note Business!
Mentorship Program Fee: $19,997.00
For specific individual detailed guidance toward your success we offer a hands-on, one-on-one Mentorship Program with Jeff Armstrong a veteran note industry expert, real estate professional and business consultant.
Business owners are used to flying solo, but sometimes you need a fresh pair of eyes with a different set of skills to come in and offer advice. Maybe you need help growing your business or guidance in an area outside your expertise. If so, it’s time to take advantage of Jeff’s 35+ years of experience in business, real estate and the note industry.
Though the cost of hiring Jeff might seem prohibitive, the long-term benefits can make it worth your while. Jeff specializes in maximizing profitability and is a genius in finding ways to accomplish your vision by streamlining your thought processes and increasing overall efficiency.
Hiring Jeff isn’t something that just big businesses do. Small businesses, entrepreneurs, one-man operations hire Jeff for focused, strategic assessments and plans, often with amazing results.
Jeff will customize a program to move you towards your personal goals. At a minimum, some of the things we will cover may include:
Examples of some of the things we cover may include:
Getting Started – Business focus, Strengths and Weaknesses, Who You Know, Finances and Ideas
Marketing For Notes – Advertising, Direct Mail, Referrals, “Every Single Profitable Note Marketing Idea in the World (almost)” and Your Marketing Materials
Good and Bad Notes – What is a Good note, What is a Bad note, Types of Property, Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, Firsts, Seconds, Wholesale and Retail
Analyzing Notes – Completing a Worksheet, Additional Info Needed, Properly Investing in Notes, Full Purchases, Partial Purchases and Split Options
Presenting the Offer and Negotiating – Presentation Options, Objections, Price Letter and “Scripts & Tips”
Packaging an Accepted Note Transaction – Proper Packaging for Quick Approval, Submitting to Funding Sources and Assisting with Closing
You will receive:
- Six ½ hour phone sessions (sessions usually run much longer)
- Assistance with refining your marketing materials including business cards, letters, postcards, brochures and website.
- Exclusive, hands on, step by step, one-on-one assistance with Jeff Armstrong in marketing, negotiating (including conference calls with note sellers if the situation warrants), packaging and closing your first 3 transaction with Armstrong Capital acting in a Master Broker/Buyer capacity and giving Mentorship students priority treatment.
- 6 months of e-mail and telephone support
- Plus you will receive the redesigned and completely updated All-In Package which includes all 8 of Jeff’s resources.