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Three Reasons To Sell Your Note

Written by Jeffrey R. Armstrong – President/Owner of Armstrong Capital

Your favorite Master Note Buyer – Straightforward, Honest, Fair…


Many note holders are not aware of the issues that can happen with owning a note. Seller financing is a good idea when in a rush to sell your real estate or business for whatever reason. However, the professional who assisted you on that transaction may not be aware of the issues that may rise from seller financing. Now you have the facts from a specialist in notes who is ready to buy your note. Armstrong Capital will help you avoid these issues and give you a valuable asset… Peace of Mind. Read the special report below for the “3 Major Reasons To Sell Your Note.”

  1. ACCESS – You need or want access to your cash now. You are barely making it with the monthly payments. You have a serious need to pay off your credit cards debt, medical bills, or to settle a divorce. Or you simply have a desire to purchase a dream home, take a vacation, or start a business. A Lump Sum of cash today can provide you with the financial stability and flexibility you need NOW!
  2. INFLATION – Inflation eats away at the future value or “buying power” of money. You can buy more with a dollar today than you will be able to in the future. People sell their note because they realize that over time, the payments they receive will drop in real value. Small payments over a long period of time have less buying power. Keep in mind that…
  3. PEACE OF MIND – When you sell your note you don’t need to worry about Taxes, such as IRS income tax reporting requirements and IRS tax liens against the payor. You also don’t want to deal with collection hassles, for example, the payor going into default and you must foreclose, which can be costly. In addition, you won’t have to worry about the destruction of the property nor the financial strength of the person or company who owes the debt going into bankruptcy, which can wipe your note. In other words, peace of mind is valuable.


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